Insuf. rénale aiguë organique : Néphrotoxicité

Code/s CIM-10 : N14
Auteur : Article non édité
Dernière mise à jour : 30/11/-0001

 A éditer.

Causes : A éditer


  • Aucun.e traitement renseigné.e pour cette maladie, pour l'instant.

Examens diagnostiques

  • Aucun.e examen renseigné.e pour cette maladie, pour l'instant.


  • KDIGO 2012. Recommandations de pratique clinique : KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury
    The guideline contains chapters on definition, risk assessment, evaluation, prevention, and treatment. Definition and staging of AKI are based on the Risk, Injury, Failure; Loss, End-Stage Renal Disease (RIFLE) and Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria ... The treatment chapters cover pharmacological approaches to prevent or treat AKI, and management of renal replacement for kidney failure from acute kidney injury
  • In 2012, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) published a guideline on the classification and management of acute kidney injury (AKI). .. Since then, new evidence has emerged that has important implications for clinical practice in diagnosing and managing AKI. .. address ongoing controversial issues; identify new topics or issues to be revisited for the next iteration of the KDIGO AKI guideline; and outline research needed to improve AKI management
  • In this review we summarize key aspects of the [KDIGO] guideline including definition and staging of acute kidney injury (AKI), as well as evaluation and nondialytic management. Contrast-induced AKI and management of renal replacement therapy will be addressed in a separate review. Treatment recommendations are based on systematic reviews of relevant trials.
  • A total of 191 medications were identified in the literature .. consensus after three rounds was: 14 (7.2%) no NxP in almost all situations (rating 0); 62 (31.8%) unlikely/possibly nephrotoxic (rating 0.5); 21 (10.8%) possibly nephrotoxic (rating 1); 49 (25.1%) possibly/probably nephrotoxic (rating 1.5); 2 (1.0%) probably nephrotoxic (rating 2); 8 (4.1%) probably/definite nephrotoxic (rating 2.5)